What is Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy (also known as Bowen technique or Bowtech) is a gentle soft tissue therapy. Small ‘rolling’ moves are made over identified landmarks of muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves. These moves change the relationship between muscle and connective tissue (fascia), and stimulate the body in many positive ways to start the bodies self healing process. Pain is relieved as the body begins realignment and posture improvement.

Bowen therapy also facilitates healing by shifting the bodies autonomic nervous system from sympathetic (activated by high stress & over stimulation, this is ‘fight or flight’ mode) to parasympathetic (‘rest, relax and repair’ mode).
Hence, you can often fall into a deep state of relaxation during and after a Bowen therapy session.

Unlike many other hands-on therapies, the Bowen technique does not use any forceful manipulation. Therefore it is very safe and appropriate for anyone from pregnant women to newborn babies, the frail and the elderly.

Bowen therapy is a holistic natural healing approach to healthcare. It is not only concerned with treating a specific condition or symptom, it addresses the whole body. Results can be remarkable, even from the first session & often only 3 sessions are needed to correct the presenting problem.



Lower back pain
Back pain in pregnancy
Carpal tunnel syndrome


Mucousy babies
Asthma symptoms
Unsettled or distressed babies
Feeding problems
Neck restrictions (post birth)
Lactation problems (these moves are on Mum)


Ankle problems
Arm and hand problems
Back problems/pain
Breast discomfort
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chronic Fatigue
Coccyx injuries
Foot problems
Frozen shoulder (6 treatments recommended)
Hammer toes
Hand and wrist problems
Heel spurs
Hip discomfort
Knee problems
Neck pain/stiff neck
Pelvic discomfort/malalignment
Plantar fasciitis
Repetitive strain injury
Restrictions in arm movements
Tennis elbow
Teeth & gums
Thyroid problems
Golfers elbow
Sacral pain
Scoliosis &/or thoracic pain
Shin pain
Shoulder discomfort
Sporting injuries
Tippy toe walking/uneven gait
Tight or injured hamstrings
TMJ (jaw) problems
Upper back & shoulder pain

Upper Respiratory/Respiratory

Bronchial symptoms
Respiratory problems
(COPD/Emphysema, bronchitis & asthma)
Sinus problems

Kidney & Bladder

Adrenal exhaustion/fatigue
Bed wetting in children
Gallbladder problems
Kidney/bladder problems
Oedema & Lymphatic drainage

General Wellbeing

Body balance
Body detoxification
Stimulation of energy flow

Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional issues
Low mood
Night terrors
Stimulation of energy flow


Abdominal discomfort
(colic, hiatus hernia & indigestion)

Gynaecological Problems

Conception assistance
Menopause symptoms
Menstrual problems
(including menstrual irregularities)
Ovarian or uterine problems
Pre-menstrual symptoms

Male Specific

Reproductive problems
Prostate problems

About Me

Accredited Bowtech,
Bowen Therapist

CertIV BT ~ GradDipMidWif ACU ~ GradDipNurs(Aviat) UniSA
GradCertCritCareNurs(PeriopNurs) RMIT ~ BNUR USQ

I have worked in healthcare since becoming a Registered Nurse in 1995 and I completed my Midwifery in 2007. I continue to be a current practising Registered Nurse & Registered Midwife, hence I have a thorough understanding of many health concerns.

I am passionate about helping people feel better, holistically. I discovered Bowen Therapy through my own personal experience. I was suffering from neck tension, debilitating migraines and I was night grinding. I had 3 Bowen Therapy sessions and I have not had a migraine since. I was totally amazed at the effectiveness of this gentle soft tissue therapy. Because I was so intrigued I started to read & research this complimentary modality. As a Midwife, I was drawn to reading about how effective and safe it is during pregnancy & for newborns. This really gave me some drive to want to learn Bowen Therapy….. ..so here I am, as a Bowen Therapist!!

A Bowen Therapy Session

Treatment Times:

Adults – The standard treatment time for one session is 45 mins. Allow 1 hour for your first visit to include initial assessment. 3 sessions 5- 10 days apart are recommended for acute (new & sudden) problems. Chronic problems may require more sessions.

Children – 30 mins (they commonly know when they have had enough)

Babies – Up to 15 mins


Bowen therapy has a series of pauses between particular moves. This is a unique feature of Bowen therapy & it is purposeful. Its purpose is to let the body respond and for the nervous system to begin to adjust the tension level in the muscles, before the next set of moves.
Babies & Children (generally) do not need pauses between moves as they are very responsive to Bowen Therapy.

What to Wear:

Wear light loose clothing. All moves can be done effectively through light loose clothing.


Adults – $70   |    Children – $40  |   Babies – $20

After Your Bowen Session

 Drink plenty of water

Avoid exposure to extreme of temperature (no hot baths or showers, hot water bottles, hot packs or cold packs) for 24-48 hours after a treatment

Move regularly but gently over the next 24 hours

Avoid other forms of complementary therapy (particularly manipulative forms including chiropractic, osteopathy, massage and acupuncture) within a week before or after Bowen Therapy

Commence any exercises given to you, the day after your treatment

Contact your therapist if any concerns or questions after your treatment

Book a Treatment

Toowoomba Clinic
Email: tracy@bowencaretoowoomba.com.au
Mobile: 0403 499 015